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Introduction to Informatics for Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to informatics I
Introduction to Informatics II

Introduction of the new Bachelor examination regulations with specialization in Visual Computing

Below you find the structure of the modules of the chair according to the new examination regulations 2021 and the previous examination regulations 2012. In the old examination regulations 2012 the previous modules are replaced by the new ones. For this purpose the following HowTo Visual Computing (German) is available.

Examination Regulations 2021

General Lectures Computer Science

Cutting Edge Research

Lectures Gomputergraphics

"Introduction to Visual Computing" is the basic principles lecture for Computer Graphics and the only prerequisite for all other lectures of this chair, with the exception of GPU Programming. You can attend the other lectures in arbitrary order, if you passed "Introduction to Visual Computing".


Introduction to Visual Computing

2 + 2 SWS, 6 LP, WiSe
- basic techniques of Visual Computing
- selected Topics of Image Processing and Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics

2 + 2 SWS, 6 LP, SoSe
- Basic principles of computer graphics
- Creating interactive 3D applications
Ma (Ba)

Modeling and Animation

- Geometric Modeling Techniques
- Animation
hosted by the chair of Media Informatics


2 + 1 SWS, 6 LP, WiSe
- Advanced computer graphics algorithms
- Photorealism and visual effects
Ma (Ba)

Scientific Visualization

2 + 1 SWS, 6 LP, WiSe
- Representation of medical, scientific and technical data
- Interactive techniques and 3D visualization

Virtual Reality

2  +  1 SWS, 6 LP, SoSe
- Basic principles of human cognition in Virtual Reality Systems
- Creation of immersive applications in the VR Lab 

GPU Programming

1  +  2 SWS, 6 LP, SoSe
currently not offered
- Programming of graphics processing units (GPUs)
- Graphics-independent  programming interfaces CUDA, OpenCL

Practical Courses

You can participate in the practical training courses in arbitrary order als long as you passed "Introduction to Visual Computing". For the Practical Training "3D Modeling and Animation" "Introduction to Visual Computing" is not a requirement. For project groups it is recommended  to have already collected extended experience, as e.g. through the Computer Graphics Practical Training course or other advanced lectures.


Practical Training
"3D Modeling and Animation"

2 SWS, 5 LP, WiSe+SoSe
- Maya: 3D modeling and animation software
- Production of amimated sequences

Computer Graphics Practical Training

3 SWS, 5 LP, WiSe
- Graphics programming with OpenGL
- GUI programming with Qt
Seminar - Current topics in computer graphics
- Preparing and presenting scientific topics
For master students at least one more lecture from the area of computer graphics is expected.
Project Group 
- Yearlong  development of a larger project in a team
- Intresting challenges from computer graphics and related topics


Information on Bachelor's and Master's theses can be found on the Moodle page News for Visual Computing Students under Offers for Thesis Topics.