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PhD. Serkan Bayraktar


Universität Siegen
Lehrstuhl für Computergrafik
57076 Siegen



Analysis and Visualization of Multimodal Sensor Data

Particle-Based Modeling and Simulation of Fluids and Cloth-Like Deformable Objects

One of the main research areas of the computer graphics is modeling and simulation of natural phenomena robustly, realistically, and efficiently. Physically-based simulation techniques aim to achieve this goal by employing physical and mathematical methods explaining the natural phenomena. Physically-based animation techniques have the advantage of relying on fully understood theories and widely researched numerical methods that have been used in computational physics and engineering. Thus, these techniques provide unmatched visual reality and control over animation through simulation parameters.
Particle-based simulations can be considered as a subfield of physically-based animation techniques where objects are represented by a set of discrete point in space having several physical properties such as mass, velocity etc.. Particles are natural choice for simulating natural phenomena since object interactions in physical world are based on molecular interactions. Given enough number of particles, it is theoretically possible to model and simulate most complex objects and their interactions. In modeling particle-based interaction of complex objects, it is, therefore, enough to define interaction of particle pairs.